
Onycholysis is a condition where the nail becomes a white or yellowish colour. The nails starts to detach itself from the finger starting at the tip to the base. This condition is commonly seen in middle aged individuals who have placed quite a burden on the nail.

For example, musicians who play the guitar. As the guitar is sometime played with the nail, professionals take extra care.

People who have thin nails are also at risk for onycholysis. Not much pain is felt during the occasion.

How to deal and prevent it

Using strong washing liquid and chemicals alongside the infection of fungus (e.g trichophyton) can be the cause. Make sure it’s examined by a specialist.

If you feel any abnormalities in the nails, please stop using household chemicals and drugs. Also, if the cause is trichophyton fungi, then other parts of the body are also at risk of infection.

As explained in our section for nail trichophytosis, if it infects the head it’s called “tinea alba”, on the body and it’s called tinea corporis, and on the groin and it’s called “tinea cruris”.

Furthermore, people around you are also at risk, so please take action as early as possible.

Even if the condition seems to have disappeared, please finish the treatment a specialist has prescribed. Among nails diseases, some are caused by fungi which can restart symptoms if it isn’t completely eradicated from the infected area. The condition may also worsen without the proper treatment.