Abnormalities of nails are abnormalities of the body. The nails are excellent at relaying any problems in the body.
Nails diseases and symptoms in children
As children have very thin nails, they are at risk to ingrown toenails and spoon nails.
Trichophytosis is well-known as Athlete’s foot
We call athlete's foot occurring in the nails as trichophytosis, the cause of which is trichophyton fungi.The most important thing to keep clean.
The relationship between the duration of Athlete’s foot and trichophytosis
Athlete's foot can not be healed easily. It is necessary to eradicate it, so we recommend you to consult a specialist.
If the trichophyton spreads to other areas?
Trichophytons are very infectious. When a member of the family is infected and walks on the floor bare footed, the fungus spreads to the floor.
Trichophytosis treatment
The main method of treatment for trichophytosis are either a rubbing cream or oral drug.