The main method of treatment for trichophytosis are either a rubbing cream or oral drug.

Furthermore, the regrowth of the nail takes a certain length of time. This is about 6 months for nails on the hand, and 1 year for nails on the feet.

Treatment with creams

Athlete’s foot is commonly treated with a cream, however for trichophytosis of the nail, cream treatment is usually not enough to end the condition. This is due to the cream not being able to reach certain regions of the nail which are infested by trichophytons.

Therefore, cream application is only used to support the treatment. Rather than applying it to the infected region, it is applied to the surrounding skin to avoid further spread of the fungus.

Oral drugs

Treatment of trichophytosis in nails are focused on oral drugs.

Although the fungus is out of reach from externally applied creams, it cannot avoid internal treatment which enters through the body by oral administration.

Furthermore, not only does the drug directly remove the fungus, but remains in the body for some time as a preventative for further infections.