Athlete's foot

We call athlete’s foot occurring in the nails as trichophytosis, the cause of which is trichophyton fungi.

Trichophyton is the fungi which is responsible for both athlete’s foot and trichophytosis in the nails. Trichophytosis is infectious like athlete’s foot and is one of the most common nail diseases known to us.

If left untreated, trichophytosis can spread to people around us. If you see any abnormalities, we recommend visiting a dermatologist immediately. It will benefit the people around us too.

Symptoms of trichophytosis

Below we list the possible symptoms for trichophytosis.

  • The nails are a pale-yellow colour
  • The nails become brittle
  • The nails become a thick disformed shape
  • No itchiness

When under the influence of a nail disease, one should think of trichophytosis immediately. 1 or 2 people out of 10 have this disease in Japan. This means there is a high probability of being exposed to this condition.

Unfortunately this condition causes no itchiness. Therefore, it becomes to identify this condition.

Prevention of Athlete’s foot/ Trichophytosis

Prevention methods for trichophytosis are the same as athlete’s foot. Avoid anything that can induce the condition.

If a member of the family has athlete’s foot, then chances are that all members of the family of athlete’s foot or trichophytosis. To avoid this situation please keep the feet as clean as regularly as possible.

It’s commonly misunderstood that taking baths with someone with athlete’s foot or trichophytosis causes it to spread. Although the possibility does exist, as long as the feet are washed and dried properly there is very little risk.

Again, it’s commonly misunderstood that washing clothes in the same machine can cause the condition to spread. The pressure of water in the machine will eradicate any fungi on the clothes.