
Megalonychia causes the centre of the nail to enlarge and form a lump. The pressure on the skin below causes extreme pain for the individual.

Causes include genetics, diabetes, disrupted internal activity, infection, blood deficiency, malnutrition, injuries and so on. First, we need to understand which of these causes are responsible for the disease.

When any symptoms begin to arise, do not apply any stimulation (e.g. nail art) or leave it unattended. Visit a medical professional.

How to deal with Megalonychia

Do not apply any stimulus to the affected region of the nail. Avoid using the finger or any contact to neighbouring fingers. Keep the nail short.

As explained above if the causes of Megalonychia are internal, such as “disrupted internal activity, infection, blood deficiency or malnutrition”, then the chances of other diseases occurring in the future (or even present) are very high. It’s recommended to visit a dermatologist or medical professional for diagnosis.

Cases correlating with the condition

A variety of causes can be associated with Megalonychia, however the most common cases leading to the disease is when the nail is consistently under physical pressure. For example, when wearing shoes which are not the right size and shape, common in women and their high heels.

Also, there are cases where extreme running when wearing shoes which are not the correct size (Running whilst applying pressure on nails) causes the condition.

Concerning running, other conditions of the nails other than Megalonychia can occur, such as haematoma. Therefore, it is an absolute requirement to wear shoes of the right size, not to push yourself and to exercise whilst paying attention to your health.