One of the causes of Hangnails is thought to be “Vitamin deficiency”.
For this reason, we should try to replenish our vitamins. The nails and its surroundings are easily affected by changes in our body. Having an inconsistent diet can not only lead to hangnails, but become the cause for a large variety of diseases.
Furthermore, cutting to deeply into the nail can result in dehydration of the tissue surrounding the nail. We should consistently moisturise, using hand creams to replenish our natural oil, and encourage the intake of vitamin A/B2, vitamin D, collage, calcium, etc.
A balanced intake is extremely important, and we should especially be aware of consuming vitamins. Vitamin C, vitamin B2, B6 are thought to be particularly important.
Since the purchase of vitamin supplements have become extremely accessible in this age, we should take some vitamin supplements when we feel that Hangnails are becoming more noticeable, or when we find that our nails are becoming a strange colour.
Taking them once or twice does not really improve the condition, so it becomes important to take them for a long period of time.