Leukonychia are white dots appearing on the nail surface.

This occurs spontaneously as the nail is formed at the matrix. There are no health problems which cause this. The nail will grow out of this spot over time.

There are 3 types of leukonychia

There are 3 types of leukonychia: punctate, striate and universal types.

Punctate forms are very common, appearing as white dots.

striate forms appear as thin white lines.

Universal forms cause the whole nail to appear white and cloudy.

Causes of leukonychia

Causes include either an external stimulus to the base of the nail that is affected, or a daily lifestyle having an impact on the nail.

The leukonychia itself is not a problem, but the cause could be. If the change is caused by an impact to the nail, then there is nothing to worry about.

However, if the cause is something else, then care must be taken
For example, the cause could be an internal disease or diabetes. Furthermore, there have been cases where the condition is caused by some form of poisoning.

Trichophytosis of the nail. A common disease which also causes the nail to turn white.

In conclusion, the condition may disappear on it’s own without any treatment, whilst in other cases leukonychia will not be cured until an internal problem of the body isn’t treated.

We advise a visit to medical specialist if symptoms don’t clear up

For the nails to completely regrow, it takes 6 months on fingers and 1 year for the toes.

If during this period, you feel abnormalities in the body, or symptoms keep appearing in the nails, please have it examined by a specialist immediately.

If there are no problems that is great, however there is a slight chance that the condition is caused by something far more serious.

The nail acts as a barometer of the nail. Any abnormalities should mean that they should be examined by a medical professional.